118 research outputs found

    Pengereman Dinamik Motor Induksi Dengan Injeksi Arus Searah (Dc)

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    Motor induksi tiga fasa banyak digunakan untuk menggerakan mesin-mesin beban mekanik padaindustri. Perilakau beban mekanik akan mempengaruhi kerja dari motor listrik. Kerja motor induksimeliputi starting, running, dan braking. Pengereman (braking) pada motor induksi dilakukan untukmelawan gaya lawan atau sisa putaran mesin. Operasional pengereman dapat dilakukan dengan metode :Pluging, dynamic, AC braking dan regenerative. Pengereman model dynamic dapat dilakukan dengan enemmodel rangkaian, enem model tersebut akan diinjeksi dengan arus searah (DC). Enam model rangkaiandalam operasionalnya tentunya akan mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Tujuan penelitian iniingin mengetahui karakterstik model rangkaian pengereman. Manfaat yang ingin dicapai adalah ketepatanmemilih suatu model rangkaian pengereman. Penelitian diselesaikan dengan eksperimen sederhana,dengan objek operasional pengereman motor induksi tiga fasa. Variabel yang diungkap adalah Perubahanarus injeksi dan Perubahan rangkaian injeksi sebagai variabel bebas sedangkan variabel tetapnya adalahputaran rotor. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menginjeksi arus DC pada setiap rangkaianpengereman, dengan arus injeksi dan putaran yang sama, pengaturan dan Perubahan putaran dicatatsebagai data. Perlakukan dalam penelitian melakukan pengereman bertahap dan mendadak. Analisis datadigunakan deskripsi garafik dan rumusan yang ditetapkan. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian adalah :Pengereman bertahap dari putaran 500 rpm diperlukan arus injeksi : ragkaian a = 0,16 A ; b = 0,20 A ; c =0,20 A ; d = 0,41 A ; e = 0,20 ; f = 0,12 A. Pengereman mendadak untuk putaran 500 rpm arus injeksi ;rangkaian a = 0,46 A ; b = 1,34 A ; c = 0,92 A ; d = 0,47 A ; e = 0,71 A dan f = 0,71 A. Kesimpulan enamrangkaian yang diuji mempunya

    Rekayasa Genetik dan Perkembangan Bioteknologi di Bidang Peternakan

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    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tabungan Rumah Tangga Pedesaan di Kecamatan Delanggu Kabupaten Klaten

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    This study is an empirical study conducted in Delanggu District Klaten Regency, and was aimed to analyze the dominant factors contributing to rural households saving. The study employed descriptive statistics and linear regression techniques from a sample of 93 households. The dependent variable was a rural household saving devided by family size. The result indicated that using linear regression for rural households saving's model was the best model, for 66% prediction capability of its independent variable, and there are no multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. There are 3 factors that have significant contribution to rural households saving: household income devided by family size, share consumption in total income and occupation of household head. Education of household head, young age dependency ratio and old age dependency ratio do not have considerable influence, since none of those have significant coefficients. The study recommends the necessity for intensive rural househol savings mobilization by developing rural financial institutions for saver and borrower, and reviewing agricultural credit programmes for rural household

    Build Using Network Lan Router Can Do to Full Control of Access Server

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    Local Area Network (LAN) is a network where companies hardware and software coupled to each other can communicate in a particular work area using the data and has a high speed, so that two or more networks can communicate with another network that is located very far in order can perform a full access control from servers to workstations, his workstation as controlling management of a network by using routers

    Making Website for Promotions Used Motor Sales Using Php Mysql & Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0.

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    In the development of rapid information technology so that more current easy for every person in getting information. Information can be obtained in various respects, especially in a world growing used bike sales more rapidly. Therefore, a former motorcycle sales service named OzyMotor offers convenience for you in the information used bike sales

    Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Ketimpangan Antar Kecamatan Di Kabupaten Banyumas, 1993-2000

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    This research attempts to identify the nature of economic growth and to understand disparity among of sub-districts in Banyumas regency. The tools of analysis are Klassen typology, Williamson index, entropy Theil index, trend and Pearson correlation.Klassen typology shows that Banyumas sub-district can be classified into four types: high growth and high income, high income but low growth, high growth but low income, low growth and low income. Based on Williamson index and entropy Theil index, we found that disparity of gross regional domestic product per capita among sub-districts in Banyumas tended to increase over the period of 1993-2000. More importantly, our findings confirmed that Kuznets hypotesis could be found in Banyumas. Indeed, there has been a negative correlation between Williamson index or entropy Theil index with GRDP growth
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